
Showing posts from April, 2018


BEDFORD PTG COLOR BLAST FUN RUN/WALK EVENT - SUNDAY, JUNE 3RD, 9:30AM AT BEDFORD HIGH SCHOOL The Bedford PTG is proud to announce the return of the Color Blast Fun Run/Walk and Derry Medical Center as our presenting sponsor!  REGISTER TODAY for a super-fun, family event! Check out our website at for new shorter 2 mile course and all things Color Blast!  *** All funds raised from this event will go back into our schools! ***

New! Girls Softball Intramural

We have added another intramural for Q4! We will be offering  Girls Softball  on Mondays, from 3:30-4:30pm,  beginning Monday, April 30th, and running through Monday, June 11th. Click the Q4 Intramural Descriptions link below for more information about girls softball. There is a also a registration form link. Please submit only one registration form per student, as the form has been set up to close at a maximum of 26 students. Q4 Intramural Descriptions Q4 Girls Softball Registration form

New! Boys Flag Football Intramural

Great news! We have added another intramural for Q4. We will be offering Boys Flag Football  on Tuesdays, from 7:35-8:20am, beginning Tuesday, April 17th , and running through Tuesday, June 12th. Click the links below for Q4 Intramural Descriptions and the boys flag football registration form. Please only submit one registration form per student, as the form has been set up to close at a maximum of 20 students. Q4 Intramural Descriptions Q4 Boys Flag Football Registration form