New! McKelvie Before-School Book Club
Amy Poisson (McKelvie Enrichment Teacher) and Julie Cote (McKelvie Librarian) are excited to offer a new opportunity for students, our first ever before-school book club! The book we have chosen is a 2018-2019 Great Stone Face Nominee by popular Maine author, Andrew Clements. The title of our selection is The Losers Club. Registration opens on Friday, September 28, 2018, at 5:00 pm . To access the registration link, go to the McKelvie website and click on the Library tab. Scroll down to “Library News" and look for the post that says "Before-School Book Club Registration Information". Alternatively, you may click the registration link below. This club will accept 25 students and registrants will be notified via the provided parent/guardian email address. The club will begin on October 11th and ends the last week in November. McKelvie Before-School Book Club Registration Form