
Showing posts from September, 2018

New! McKelvie Before-School Book Club

Amy Poisson (McKelvie Enrichment Teacher) and Julie Cote (McKelvie Librarian) are excited to offer a new opportunity for students, our first ever before-school book club! The book we have chosen is a 2018-2019 Great Stone Face Nominee by popular Maine author, Andrew Clements. The title of our selection is The Losers Club. Registration opens on Friday, September 28, 2018, at 5:00 pm . To access the registration link, go to the McKelvie website and click on the Library tab. Scroll down to “Library News" and look for the post that says "Before-School Book Club Registration Information". Alternatively, you may click the registration link below. This club will accept 25 students and registrants will be notified via the provided parent/guardian email address. The club will begin on October 11th and ends the last week in November. McKelvie Before-School Book Club Registration Form

Destination Imagination Info Night

Destination Imagination Info Night for K-8 will be held on Tuesday, September 25th at 7PM in Room 17 of McKelvie Intermediate School.  This is for all new parents who are interested in hearing more about the program.  Returning families can register their children  here . Registration closes on Friday October 5th, 2018. Destination Imagination is an extra curricular that relies on parent volunteers.  There is no guarantee that your child will be placed on a team, but we work very hard to place every child who registers.  For more info on this wonderful program offered by our district, please check out  or contact our coordinator, Marie Russell at .

Grade 6 Move-A-Thon T-shirt Design Contest

Calling all artists! The Move-A-Thon T-shirt design contest is underway and open to all 6th grade students. The winner receives a free t-shirt and his/her design will be featured on this year's shirt. Please click the links below for contest guidelines/instructions and the entry submission form. Students, please read the contest rules carefully, including he submission instructions. Entries are due by Thursday, October 4, 2018. MAT 2018 6th Grade T-shirt Design Contest MAT 2018 6th Grade T-Shirt Design Submission Form

Club and Intramural Registration

Registration begins today, Sept 7th, at 5pm for clubs and intramurals. NOTE: It's very important that you do not submit multiple times for the SAME club/intramural as many of our forms are automatically set up to close down when the session maximum has been reached. Also, in the case of Yearbook Club, there is one rep per homeroom, so if you don't see your homeroom on the list, the position has been filled. Please do not choose a position from another homeroom that your child is not enrolled in. For Clubs: Each club advisor maintains his/her own registration forms. Simply hover over Clubs on the McKelvie website, choose a club, and scroll down to the registration links. Some of the clubs, such as yearbook and student council, have their own websites with specific directions in regard to registration. For Intramurals: Hover over Intramurals on the McKelvie website, choose I ntramural Registration, and scroll down to the registration links. If you have questions, pleas...