McKelvie Chorus: Tuesday OR Thursday 8:00am September-May McKelvie Chorus meets at 8:00am on Tuesdays for 6th Grade and Thursdays for 5th Grade. Students should arrive in the cafeteria by 7:55am. Mrs. Coughlin will escort the students from the cafeteria to the music room for rehearsal. We have two mandatory concerts a year; one in Dec and one in May. Students should have a 1” black three ring binder to hold their music. Given CDC suggestions, it is HIGHLY advised that singers wear the singing masks that will be handed out in rehearsal. Students need to bring their binder of music and singing mask to every rehearsal. Please copy and paste this link to register for Chorus at McKelvie: OR click the Chorus option under Clubs on the McKelvie Website to go directly to Mrs. Coughlin's website. Email Mrs. Coughlin at if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing everyone soon! Rebecca Coughlin
There is a free workshop for parents entitled "Cyberbullying, Sexting, & Unwise Social Networking: The Role of Parents" being offered at the Radisson Hotel in Manchester on Monday, November 30th, from 6:30-8:30pm. The speaker is Sameer Hinduja, Co-Director of the Cyberbullying Research Center and Professor of Criminology & Criminal Justice at Florida Atlantic University. For more details about this event and to register (deadline is 11/20), please click HERE
This year McKelvie will be performing Alice in Wonderland . Once again, the play will be directed by Nate Sawyer with Rebecca Coughlin as the Music Director. There will be 3 performances: May 12th (1 evening performance) and May 13th (1 day and 1 evening performances). Weekly practices will be held on Monday , Tuesday and Thursday starting in March. Auditions will be Friday, February 10th, from 3:30-5:30 and Monday, February 13th, from 3:30-5:30 . Please click here to sign up for an audition time.