Bedford PTG Ski, Skate, & More Sale
BEDFORD PTG SKI, SKATE, & MORE SALE! - The Bedford PTG is proud to announce our annual SKI, SKATE and MORE SALE. This year’s event will take place on Saturday, November 17, 2018 from 9AM - 2PM at Bedford High School. Whether you are in the market for ski equipment, snowboards, hockey gear, or winter outerwear, this sale provides a cost-effective opportunity to outfit you and your family for the upcoming winter season!
Visit the PTG Website for consignment information. You can drop off your pre-tagged items at the BHS Gymnasium on Friday, November 16, 2018 between 5PM – 8PM. Please note: IF YOU NEED TO PRINT YOUR TAGS ON SITE AT BHS DURING EQUIPMENT DROP OFF THERE WILL BE A $1.00 CHARGE PER TAG.
CARDIGAN CORNER at SKI, SKATE and MORE SALE! New this year the PTG is excited to offer Cardigan Corner at the Ski, Skate and More Sale. For families whose kids have conquered Lurgio’s Mt. Cardigan experience as part of the RAL 8th grade environmental unit of study and have gear to consign, or for those looking for a good deal on quality used items for the upcoming adventure…Cardigan Corner is for you!