School Picture Retake Day

Picture Retake Day will be Monday, November 23rd. Remote and Distance Learning students will have their pictures taken between noon and 2:45.  Pictures will be taken at McKelvie in Room 17.   A parent/guardian may walk their child to the Main Office (Fully Remote and Distance Learning students) and students will then proceed down to room 17.  In-person students (A-K) will have their pictures taken during the school day.  Please see THIS FLYER from Geskus, with instructions on how you can pre-order student photos if your child did not have pictures taken earlier or if you need a retake.

If your student is Fully Remote or on a Distance Learning day and cannot come to McKelvie on November 23rd, Geskus is also offering an OPEN RETAKE DAY.  The date will be November 14, 2020 at several locations throughout our school communities from 9am-3pm by appointment only.  Please see THIS FLYER for details. The OPEN RETAKE DAY facilities do have strict COVID-19 guidelines for safety of all; to reduce the risk of contact between individuals. If gatherings are too large, we will unfortunately be forced to end this event.  Please adhere to these rules:

  • Please remain in your vehicle until your scheduled appointment time.

  • Only one person allowed in building with student.

  • If you are not present at your scheduled time, we will not be able to accommodate your appointment.

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